Thursday, 23 October 2014


SO ive spent all morning in this library doing the maps for the emu, flying fox, wallaby, etc. and i have finally finished all the possible ones.

Basically, all the tags in green above are what i have done all morning (except the three i did yesterday and the kangaroo done by China). The ones with no tags have been sent to China to do and i think she should be done by now but not sure. The ones in red are those that i cant do because they either have more than one location or their location is not full, and i do not know how to do this. If you can see closely on the image, their maps have more than one location/arent full. 

For the last 30 minutes after finishing all that i could do, i started trying to add more one than polygon to a map. I tried looking this up on google developers but they only showed how to add more than one circle and how to add overlays (like bike, train, satellite overlays etc.). 

THEN i started to play around with the code for some of the animals and i have finally figured how to do it!! This is the most satisfying feeling ive had all day. Maybe even all week because this week has honestly been completely boring. Note that there are no maps for pelicans, wallaroos and goannas, because i couldnt find a suitable one for each, and thylacines due to their extinction. 

All the maps achieved over the night-morning.

Top left: Bridled nail tail wallaby 
Top middle: Eastern snake necked turtle
Top right: Emu  
Middle left: Pygmy possum
Centre: Kangaroo (done by China)
Middle right: Flying fox
Bottom left: Tasmanian devil
Bottom middle: Numbat
Bottom right: Crocodile 

This was when i was trying to add more than one polygon and managed to add the pygmy possum and tasmanian devil's location together.

Although i have been in the engineering library all day, i am aware that the others are lurking somewhere around uni too. I know that Bill was in a workshop and maybe Soobin was with him, and because i sent the dugong and lead beater possum for China to do some hours ago, maybe shes at uni too. Regardless of our locations, we have been talking online so so far, Bill has managed to ask the tutor about the scoring system. 

Apparently the tutor didnt know how to do the scoring system so told Bill to go onto W3School to teach himself. About an hour later Bill updated that now there were scores however whenever the page was redirected to the next question, the score was reset. At the moment, he is still working on this. Apparently, quoted from Bill, "its about sending variables from html to php or something like that". Not soon after, the 10 completed maps so far have also been sent to Soobin to add to the database. 

Now i shall start working on more maps. Oh the joy..

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