Sunday, 26 October 2014

Product before uploading

Our application has to be uploaded to our zones today. This means that our tradeshow will be using the version that we uploaded, whether we decide to change it before the 4th of November or not.

We still have a lot to do however things that we have managed to do over nigh or during the last few days:

  1. Added a score
  2. Hearts subtracted when time runs out (as well as getting a question wrong)
  3. New design in the stylesheet 
  4. Maps now added into the game however combined with questions
  5. more things that i cant remember 
Things were still working on as i type this:
  1. Getting images from Trove (and blurring them)
  2. Having more than just the croc, kangaroo and koala image answer options
  3. maybe ill remember more
Things we havent even touched and will most likely be eliminated from the game: 
  1. Ranking page
  2. Results page (?)
  3. Highscores
  4. Sound
  5. idk
Im not sure whether we can change our application after we upload it to our zones (like im not sure if we just need to have something uploaded by today). But we did try nonetheless to finish as much as possible. 

Basically, Bill worked on the scoring for the game, Soobin worked on getting everything to function (this meant anything php, javascript or html related), China worked on the css of retrieval of images for the application (which includes being able to blur the images attained fro Trove) while i finished off all the maps, touched up the instructions and occasionally tried to help China. Altogether, we worked on trying to incorporated more than just the three images of the croc, koala and kangaroo for each question. 

There were a few things from our original idea that we had to change. We had all agreed that functionality was more important that fanciness or appearance, so some of the more difficult things were eliminated and sacrificed from our game. This included sounding for the whole application.

Another thing we altered was what one question's hints were. Originally, there would be one hint for each question (either image, article or map (or sound which no longer is)), however because all of the maps were in separate html files, this proved to be too difficult to manage through the use of php etc. Thus, probably the lowest of all options was forced to lead the way into a new and possible future. This meant having not just one hint for each question, but two; one map hint and one of either the article or image hint. Once the question would show up on the screen, a pop up window would appear, and in this would be the map. There was no other option with the limited time and skills we had. The map can be used as an extra hint to users if they feel that the image/article is not enough.

Trying to get images from Trove as  hints was a difficult task for all of us. Our first problem was actually trying to obtain a random selection of different images from Trove. Our second problem was only wanting one image per question, and not as much as the command could complete. Trying to blur or even crop the image was another problem.

We experienced and still are experiencing many difficulties in doing the tasks today. Any form of tutor's help would have been muchly appreciated, as mentioned a few times during the night-morning.

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